Getting Started
Configure C# Project
In .csproj
file, set wasm runtime identifier and reference Bootsharp package:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Bootsharp" Version="*-*"/>
Author Interop APIs
Specify interop surface in the C# project.
using System;
using Bootsharp;
public static partial class Program
public static void Main ()
OnMainInvoked($"Hello {GetFrontendName()}, .NET here!");
[JSEvent] // Used in JS as Program.onMainInvoked.subscribe(..)
public static partial void OnMainInvoked (string message);
[JSFunction] // Set in JS as Program.getFrontendName = () => ..
public static partial string GetFrontendName ();
[JSInvokable] // Invoked from JS as Program.GetBackendName()
public static string GetBackendName () => Environment.Version;
Compile ES Module
Run following command under the solution root:
dotnet publish
— which will produce bin/bootsharp
directory with the following content:
Name | Type | Description |
types | folder | Contains type declarations for the authored interop APIs. |
index.mjs | file | The compiled ES module with embedded binaries. |
package.json | file | NPM package manifest for convenient importing. |
Consume C# APIs in JavaScript
Import the compiled ES module, assign imported functions, boot the runtime and use exported methods:
// Importing compiled ES module.
import bootsharp, { Program } from "./bin/bootsharp/index.mjs";
// Binding 'Program.GetFrontendName' import invoked in C#.
Program.getFrontendName = () => process.version;
// Subscribing to 'Program.OnMainInvoked' C# event.
// Initializing dotnet runtime and invoking entry point.
await bootsharp.boot();
// Invoking 'Program.GetBackendName' C# method.
console.log(`Hello ${Program.getBackendName()}!`);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="module">
// Importing compiled ES module.
import bootsharp, { Program } from "./bin/bootsharp/index.mjs";
// Binding 'Program.GetFrontendName' import invoked in C#.
Program.getFrontendName = () => "Browser";
// Subscribing to 'Program.OnMainInvoked' C# event.
// Initializing dotnet runtime and invoking entry point.
await bootsharp.boot();
// Invoking 'Program.GetBackendName' C# method.
console.log(`Hello ${Program.getBackendName()}!`);
Run the App
Assuming the above code is in main.mjs
file for JavaScript runtimes or in index.html
file for browser, run the following to test the app:
node main.mjs
deno run main.mjs
bun main.mjs
npx serve
Find full sources of the minimal sample on GitHub: