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Emit Preferences

Use [JSPreferences] assembly attribute to customize Bootsharp behaviour at build time when the interop code is emitted. It has several properties that takes array of (pattern, replacement) strings, which are feed to Regex.Replace ↗ when emitted associated code. Each consequent pair is tested in order; on first match the result replaces the default.


By default, all the generated JavaScript binding objects and TypeScript declarations are grouped under corresponding C# namespaces; refer to namespaces docs for more info.

To customize emitted spaces, use Space parameter. For example, to make all bindings declared under "Foo.Bar" C# namespace have "Baz" namespace in JavaScript:

[assembly: JSPreferences(
    Space = ["^Foo\.Bar\.(\S+)", "Baz.$1"]

The patterns are matched against full type name of declaring C# type when generating JavaScript objects for interop methods and against namespace when generating TypeScript syntax for C# types. Matched type names have the following modifications:

  • interfaces have first character removed
  • generics have parameter spec removed
  • nested type names have + replaced with .


Allows customizing generated TypeScript type syntax. The patterns are matched against full C# type names of interop method arguments, return values and object properties.


Used to customize which C# methods should be transformed into JavaScript events, as well as generated event names. The patterns are matched against C# method names declared under [JSImport] interfaces. By default, methods starting with "Notify..." are matched and renamed to "On...".


Customizes generated JavaScript function names. The patterns are matched against C# interop method names.